Why is Back Pain so Relentless

Why is Back pain so Relentless

and upsetting and perplexing for people who have it?

This 3-year study into back pain across the globe published in the prestigious medical journal The Lancet reports that our current treatments for back pain are lacking in evidence of effectiveness. See article below

LANCET ARTICLE low back pain

This research paper [below] shows how the Psoas Major Muscle exerts huge compression and sheer forces on our low spine resulting in crumpling and severely shearing the lumbar spine.

Anatomy and biomechanics of psoas major

As a physiotherapist of 30 years, when I started working one of my first jobs was to work with people suffering from Back pain. Most of these people worked at the Holden factory at Elizabeth in South Australia. After working for about 3 months I began to see a pattern with these people. It took me a further 15 years to find the answer to this dilemma of back pain and then the next 10 years to develop an approach to back pain based on the research i found on the Psoas muscle.

Holden Workers Were Having Their Symptom Treated

These men would come in with back pain and be treated in the traditional and accepted way for back pain. The treatment was always where their pain was (their Back). They would get relief after about 6-10 treatments and they would go back to work. Then after a few months they would return with the same back pain, except on each episode they would usually be worse.

The Pattern Of Back Pain Progression

These men not only had back pain now but the pain had started to go into their buttock or leg and sometimes it was so bad that it went all the way down their leg into the foot. The same treatments were still done as before. Some strengthening exercises for the Core muscles and some ergonomic advice about what they should and shouldn’t do.  When the pain continued and everything had been done for them including sending them to a Psychologist and putting them on ‘light duties’, they were considered to be rehabilitated.  Yet their back pain continued. So, why is back pain so difficult to treat?

These men were then either given a pay out or they just put up with the pain and continued to work with the back pain till they just couldn’t do their job any longer. Most of these (usually men) were headed for the scrap heap.

This Repeat Back Pain Did Not Sit Well With Me

I started to question what was going on and why I could not get these men a better outcome. I spoke to my other physiotherapy peers and asked them if I was doing something wrong. They just looked at me and said “Oh that’s just the way it works”.  I could not accept that as an answer and it was around that time that I started to do other courses in the hope of being able to get better results for back pain.

It was in 2005 that I found the research paper above that changed the trajectory of my treatments.

Posturepro is the home of the Soaz Method

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