Shoulder Pain Starts as Back Pain

Shoulder Pain Starts as Back Pain!

Why do I say this?

Because our Postural muscles change our structures in the body and when our posture is not good, all Joints in our body are compromised and start to deteriorate and wear and this results in Pain.

This 3-year study into back pain across the globe published in the prestigious medical journal The Lancet reports that our current treatments for back pain are lacking in evidence of effectiveness. See article below


This research paper [below] shows how the Psoas Major Muscle exerts huge compression and sheer forces on our low spine resulting in crumpling and severely shearing the lumbar spine.


Also, click on the link below to see how the Psoas Muscles work

3D video

In my experience the low back is usually where most pain starts due to our postural muscles.

Because the body’s bad Posture results in the following changes to the body:

  • tilted pelvis
  • spine tilted on its foundation
  • short leg
  • restricted hip movement
  • restricted trunk  rotation
  • restricted neck rotation
  • restricted shoulder movement
  • feet pointed outward

All of these misalignments in the body result in damage to the joints and soft tissues (bursa tendons) around them.

The Bad Posture Starts The Wear and Damage To Our Shoulder Tendons and Bursa

Think of your body like a car with bad alignment that is wearing out the tyres and causing the stearing to pull to one side. All of this starts to damage the car.

So you take your car to a mechanic and all they do is change the tyres then the car will continue to wear and damage more areas.

So if you see a therapist who only wants to treat where you feel the pain (your shoulder) without even considering WHY you have shoulder problems, then you will very likely continue to get shoulder pain and continue to damage the shoulder more over time.

At Posturepro we know how to change your posture and prevent your shoulder pain from returning.

Download our FREE ebook “What Really Causes Back Pain”

At Posturepro we approach your body like a machine with all the interconnecting parts working in harmony with each other. We don’t charge you for treating different areas.

Resolve your pain all over your body by starting with the most important area: your foundations.

Then your Pain will resolve naturally.

Posturepro is the home of the Soaz Method

Call us Now 82610177 or Book online here