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July 2021
Why Do We Pathologize The Body?
Why Do We Pathologize The Body into Separate pain Areas and Diagnosises? This 3-year study into back pain across the globe published in the prestigious medical journal The Lancet repor [...]
June 2021
Back Pain – How Does It Become Chronic?
Back Pain - How Does It Become Chronic? This 3-year study into back pain across the globe published in the prestigious medical journal The Lancet reports that our current treatments fo [...]
Migraine Headaches and Bad Posture
Migraine Headaches and Bad Posture How are they connected? This 3-year study into back pain across the globe published in the prestigious medical journal The Lancet reports that our cu [...]
May 2021
Catastrophization of Back Pain
Catastrophization of Back Pain: MRI Results! This 3-year study into back pain across the globe published in the prestigious medical journal The Lancet reports that our current treatme [...]