The Pelvic Floor, the Psoas and the Back

The Pelvic Floor, the Psoas and the Back Connection

Most people have tight overworked Psoas muscles. This comes about from our constant sitting positions which compresses the Psoas muscles and creates huge forces onto the low spine and discs.

This 3-year study into back pain across the globe published in the prestigious medical journal The Lancet reports that our current treatments for back pain are lacking in evidence of effectiveness. See article below


This research paper [below] shows how the Psoas Major Muscle exerts huge compression and sheer forces on our low spine resulting in crumpling and severely shearing the lumbar spine.


These forces are responsible for ruptured discs: usually the L4/5 levels resulting in Back pain.

Click on the link below to see how the Psoas Muscles are connected

3D video

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The Psoas muscles are strategically placed into the pelvis also; and their ability to put huge pressure onto the bladder and the bowel has been documented in various medical journals. So the Psoas can affect the Pelvic floor and the back.

I also think these huge muscles could be responsible and contributing to weak pelvic floor muscles. The ‘sling muscles’ as they are known, are the group that are targeted in people with incontinence to strengthen them. Why? Because the bladder sits just below these muscles producing huge compression forces over the bladder.

So the current reasoning is that if we strengthen these sling muscles then that will help with stress incontinence.

I would like to propose a different rationale that looks at this in a different way. I have enabled many women with stress incontinence to achieve good resolution to their incontinence through treating only the Psoas muscles.

So the pelvic floor, the psoas and the back can be considered to be interconnected.

This is what I think is contributing to incontinence. The Psoas muscles are huge forces pushing downwards into the Pelvic cavity. If we can stop or at least reverse this push onto the bladder from above then start to soften and make the Psoas muscles more fluid: then the pressure from above can be greatly reduced onto the bladder. So like the boy who puts his finger into the dyke to stop the water from the dam: we can take the pressure off from above.

Posturepro is the home of the Soaz Method

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