Non Surgical Decompression for Back Pain
The video below shows our Huge Psoas Major muscles that sit directly onto our low spine. These are our walking muscles and so when we are upright and walking or running they are Elongated so they can work properly.
When we are sitting or our hips are in a fully flexed position then these muscles Compress and become short
and are not able to work. In fact they become so compressed that over time from when we start sitting as babies and right through our school and working life we are predominantly sitting these muscles become chronically tight and unresponsive.
The Psoas Muscles Create Damage To Our Spine and Discs
As you can see in the above video these muscles are so powerful that they not only compress our low spine causing damage and pain but they change our whole posture and alignment in the body. So powerful are they that affect our whole body.
Back pain is the result of a compressed and tight muscle that sits directly onto our spine.
These muscles (our psoas muscles) are our walking muscles. They are constantly under compression from sitting. Over time the muscles take on a shortened position and by doing this they compress the spine, discs and nerves in the low back particularly. This compression results in damage to these structures and pain in the low back is the result.
This research paper [below] shows how the Psoas Major Muscle exerts huge compression and sheer forces on our low spine resulting in crumpling and severely shearing the lumbar spine.
Posture pro are able to Reverse this Compression and Get Your Back Pain Resolved
To just treat the low back pain is like patching up a crack in the wall of a house instead of addressing the foundations of the house.
Download our FREE ebook “What Really Causes Back Pain”
This 3-year study into back pain across the globe published in the prestigious medical journal The Lancet reports that our current treatments for back pain are lacking in evidence of effectiveness. See article below
Here at Posturepro the Soaz method can achieve non surgical Lumbar spinal decompression that starts to reverse this process and realign the spine.
Posturepro is the Home of the Soaz Method
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