It’s not my Back that hurts: it’s my Leg!It's not my Back that hurts: it's my Leg!

A Middle aged woman came to see me recently, she was having excruciating pain into her leg that was constant over the last 4 weeks.

On her first visit she was anxious and worried because she had just started a new job and was feeling the pain constantly.

I asked her if she also had low back pain and her response was “well yes,

but I don’t feel that only the leg pain”. She had been having low back pain for 30 years and saw physiotherapy and had massage when she needed to.

She did not see the connection with the leg pain and the back pain: this is quite common.

I explained to her that the leg pain is the same as the back pain, only it is now getting worse because the cause of the back pain has never been treated at the source of the problem

I Could Feel She Was Getting A Little Annoyed With Me

I thought she was going to walk out. Luckily she stayed and I educated her on where Back Pain starts and how she has now got Leg pain. When she understood she said “Oh that makes sense” I said yes and it is where all back pain starts from and when the back is just treated the problem never really ever resolves properly and that is why now the pain is getting worse and she is feeling it into her leg.

This 3-year study into back pain across the globe published in the prestigious medical journal The Lancet reports that our current treatments for back pain are lacking in evidence of effectiveness. See article below


This research paper [below] shows how the Psoas Major Muscle exerts huge compression and sheer forces on our low spine resulting in crumpling and severely shearing the lumbar spine.


At Posturepro physiotherapy We specialize in the Cause of Back Pain

I then checked her movements and her alignment: she had 80% of all body movements restricted.

I explained that until her body moves well she will continue to have pain. She started to cry!

Download our FREE ebook “What Really Causes Back Pain”

After a few treatments, she now has full body movement great alignment of her posture and is now on the road to being able to resolve her pain long term.

Check out the Video Link below, it shows how the Psoas Muscles affect our spine and posture.

3D video

Posturepro is the home of the Soaz Method

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