Posture is Like a Wheel AlignmentHow is Posture like a Wheel Alignment of a Car?

This 3-year study into back pain across the globe published in the prestigious medical journal The Lancet reports that our current treatments for back pain are lacking in evidence of effectiveness. See article below

LANCET ARTICLE low back pain

This research paper [below] shows how the Psoas Major Muscle exerts huge compression and sheer forces on our low spine resulting in crumpling and severely shearing the lumbar spine.

Anatomy and biomechanics of psoas major

Posture is the indicator in your body of how well your body is working.  It is like the alignment of a car, when the alignment is out the wheels start to wear out and that starts putting strain onto other areas of the car.

When our Body’s alignment is out it results in our body not being able to work in its optimal condition.  So just like a car that is out of alignment, our body starts to wear unevenly. Our leg length shortens, our shoulders drop on one side, our Pelvis is higher on one side than the other, and our hip is higher on that same side.

What Structure Causes Our Body To Become Unbalanced

Our Psoas Major muscles are our postural muscles and they alone have the ability to distort our pelvis, starting a cascade of events happening through our Spine and lower body. These imbalances now start to effect how our body works, less efficiently and with friction onto various joints in the body.  Then starting the process of pain in our body.

How Does The Psoas Muscle Change Our Posture

The result of having tight compressed and unhappy Psoas muscles are that we start to create wear onto our joints in our body through bad alignment in the joints. This starts friction on these joints and when we reach up or bend down, these joints cannot function like they should.  This eventually leads to damage and pain.

That is why here at Posturepro Physiotherapy we do a full body assessment to determine what areas have been affected and are out of alignment.

Fixing these early will allow the body to work in harmony and prevent problems going forward.

Call us P) 8261 0177 or  book a Free Posture Assessment here

Posturepro is the home of the Soaz Method

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