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Written by Julie Williams – Owner Posturepro Physio.
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Developer of the SOAZ Method
Ba Ed SA University
I was a Teacher in health studies before I went back to study Physiotherapy in Adelaide. I am the founder and developer of the Soaz Method and my Posturepro clinic is where I treat and have developed the Soaz method.
My passion about preventative health and helping my clients to get the best out of their bodies and live pain free grew during my teaching years. After graduating from physiotherapy I was working in a clinic treating men from the Holden car plant at Elizabeth in Adelaide’s north.
These men came in with chronic low back pain. We would treat them and then they would return not long after with the same back problem. I began to think I was a bad physio. Yet when I spoke to my senior physio’s about this they did not see this as a problem: they said oh that’s just the way it works.
This did not sit well with me. And it was at that point that I started to do other courses and look at what other research might be out there so I could help these men get a better outcome for their back pain.
It was in 2005 that I discovered the research that I did not even know existed. It was this research that started me on a journey that I am still on today.
it was this research that has lead me to change everything that I was taught and that I was trained to do. It was this research that has given my clients ongoing relief for their back pain.
This method has given my clients back their life. This innovation has proven to have made positive change for those I have treated. The Soaz Method is exclusive to Posturepro Physiotherapy Adelaide.