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May 2022
Why Can’t I get my Back Pain better?
Why Can't I get my Back Pain better? As a physiotherapist of 25 plus years experience: I almost left the profession when I first started. I thought I was a failure and I was so upset b [...]
April 2022
Why is One Leg Shorter than the Other?
Why is One Leg Shorter than the Other? The Psoas muscles impact our pelvis and when our pelvis is tilted our hip is also shifted in an upward direction. This is the biomechanics of the [...]
Is the Way We Treat Back Pain Flawed?
What if the Way we Treat Back Pain is Flawed? Why does back pain keep returning more so than other areas of the body? And even becomes worse on each subsequent episode. This 3-year stu [...]
I can’t Put My Socks On
If the Elderly could move better they would be able to remain in their own homes longer and be more independent and therefore feel better about life and themselves.
I Restore my Clients to Normal Life
How do I restore my clients from Limited movement and Pain back to normal life? This 3-year study into back pain across the globe published in the prestigious medical journal The Lance [...]
March 2022
Back Pain Keeps Coming Back
Our traditional methods of treating back pain are not working. This was published by the Lancet in 2018 after a three year global investigation. So if we continue to treat with these methods then as therapists we have to expect to continue to get these flawed results. The Soaz method has found a better way.