Posturepro Physiotherapy in Adelaide provides help for foot and knee pain and can work with you to give you back your freedom and mobility.
Many athletes suffer foot and knee pain because their chosen sport may require activities that involve running, jumping and turning with high velocity. All of these activities place strain on to the foot, knee and hip areas of the lower limb. But even in the home and work environment, activities like repetitive squatting and bending, using the stairs frequently, getting in and out of four wheel drive vehicles, kneeling or getting up can result in wear and tear on the cartilage of the knee (the meniscus).
Many running injuries result from wearing improper footwear, overtraining and not warming up or cooling down properly. So if you are looking for an experienced, professional physio for foot pain or knee pain in Adelaide, get in touch with Posturepro Physiotherapy today.
Pain at the front of the foot when weight bearing or on ‘pushing off’ can be caused by irritation of the small joints in the toes (Metatarsalgia). This pain can be most excruciating when you’re getting up in the morning. High impact activities where you are jumping or running on hard surfaces with inadequate support of the foot joints will lead to wear and tear of these tiny bones in the ball of the foot. Wearing shoes with soles that are too thin and don’t have an adequate arch support can lead to this foot injury, and women who wear high heels are also at risk.
Over pronated feet (flat feet) can result in the hind foot being forced into a distorted position placing the Achilles Tendon into a less than optimal position and causing strain. This is a painful condition that runners who have inadequate arch support experience. It causes the foot to flatten and strains the tendon. Repetition with these poor foot biomechanics leads to the deterioration of the Achilles characterised by pain in the back of the heel which increases with exercise. Untreated this will eventually lead to difficulty walking or rising up onto the toes.
A physiotherapist can help with this foot pain and with the right treatment, you can be back on your feet again in no time.
The iliotibial band is the thick sheath of connective tissue that runs from the hip to the knee, which acts to aid in bending the knee and taking the leg out sideways. The rubbing of this band over the outside of the knee causes friction in these areas leading to pain and decreased function. It is found predominantly in runners and is called “runner’s knee”. Symptoms include a burning sensation on the outside of the knee and worsening pain when the foot strikes the ground.
Chat with the physio team at Posturepro Physiotherapy Adelaide to find out the best treatment for you if you have foot pain or knee pain.
Shin splints is a condition felt at the front part of the lower leg (the Tibia) inside the shin bone. The typical pattern of pain begins at the start of an exercise and fades away during the exercise in the early stages, but in a more chronic stage this may deteriorate to such a degree that no exercise is possible because it brings on immediate, excruciating pain. Treatment involves rest to allow the injury to heal. Icing and anti inflammatories can also give temporary relief. The solution maybe better biomechanics of the feet or in extreme cases of compartment syndrome even surgery.
You can speak to a physiotherapist at Posturepro Physiotherapy Adelaide about shin splints to work out the best treatment for you.

Symptoms of calf strain are sudden pain at the back of the lower leg, difficulty standing on the toes, swelling and bruising into the calf itself, and pain when the Gastrocnemius (calf muscle) is contracted. Physiotherapy treatment involves pain management muscle healing support for the lower leg muscles via a heel raise. Once the pain is under control, a graduated programme of stretch and strengthening is required to get you back to full function.
Foot and leg conditions have one thing in common: the foot and the need for good foot biomechanics and support. Think of your foot like the foundations of your house. Before you start to put the walls and the roof on to it, the foundation must be rock solid.
Your feet are the foundation of your body. If your feet do not have good arch support, correct alignment, and adequate movement through the bones allowing the foot to move freely, many of the above conditions will result.
When involved in activities like running or even going up and down stairs, your foot pressure increases fourfold to equal your body weight. That’s a lot of weight to be borne by such small bones. Over your lifetime it has been estimated that we will walk on average about almost 20,000 kilometres, so it’s important to take care of your feet and knees.
Women have four times as many foot problems as men because of wearing high heels, which force the feet into a squashed up, unnatural position.
Posturepro Physiotherapy Adelaide’s specialised foot clinic uses state of the art ‘Gait Scan’ technology to analyse and record foot biomechanics in real time, giving an accurate and precise interpretation of your feet. This amazing technology is available at our Adelaide physio clinic now. The scan produced will interpret your walking pattern and make it possible to determine if custom orthotics are required as the solution to your foot and knee problems.